Thursday, 2 August 2012

Hey guys.

My name is Drake Miri

I'm a runner.

You may or may not know what that is.

RUNNER (agent noun)
   Current & Old.
One who runs. Usually applied to those who run from one or more of the Misery-Makers or their servants.
    Example: He met a runner from the Skinny Bastard on his travels.
Other terms: Legmen, Marathon Men, the Escaped. ~Book of Cant

Um yeah thanks Genome. So yeah that's what a Runner is... I'm assuming the misery makers is another name for the fears...


An older term for those currently known as FEARS.

  Example: A runner once said he witnessed a meeting of the Misery-Makers, but would not reveal what he had seen. He committed an Act of Despair soon after.

Other terms: the Fears, Fossils, Phobic Representational Entities (PREs), the Dancers at the End of the World (old). ~Book of cant

Yes thank you again genome...

Anyways so I'm a runner. Have been for a few years

Records indicate exactly 7 years and 3 months.

Genome I will smash you if you interrupt me again.

Anyways so I've been running for a number of years but never blogged before this day. That's because until today I never had access to a computer. However, just this morning I got attacked. Got away and managed to steal a laptop from my attacker.

That laptop turned out to have... a bug. A bug by the ot typing this btw human turned into a creature of pure thought and data who inhabits electrical systems.

God damn it Genome what did I just say!?

Apologies Mr. Miri

So now I have Genome essentially narrating my life and "helpfully" inserting information he believes is relevant. I'm not typing this in fact. I'm merely dictating this.

So anyways hello...


1 comment:

  1. Oh great. A fucking Thoughtborn in your computer. my advice? Kill it and get another computer. The last thing you need is one of the Newborn's minions as a traveling companion.

    Edit: Damn it, why do *I* have to prove I'm not a robot but blogger will let that *thing* post entries on here?
