Sunday, 12 August 2012

Post #3Alpha

Mr. Miri is currently fighting for his life. His attempts to hide were, as I noted, ill advised. He was attacked while exploring by a woman of about 27 years of age. She was carrying a claymore. The sword not the explosive device. A very ill advised weapon. However Mr. Miri due to his seemingly defective thought processes almost found himself decapitated. It was mere luck that his attempt to step back resulted in him tripping and thus dropping below the slash. Even for an ineffectual being like Mr. Miri this should have been an easy fight. He carries knives and has shown some proficiency with them. In a fight such as this he should have been able to finish her easily with them. However, he also carries a pair of exotic weaponry he has absolutely no proficiency with. These are what he chose to grab and fight with. They are tonfas. I actually had to research what those are. They are essentially a pair of wooden clubs with a short rod sticking out perpendicular to the main rod. The short rod is gripped in ones fist and the main rod is used to bludgeon one's opponent.

It is probably a very effective weapon in the right hands.  Mr. Miri's hands are not the right hands. He flails at his opponent like a man suffering a seizure. He managed to get one good hit in merely due to the awkwardness of attempting to defend oneself with a claymore. He managed to hit her shoulder and she retreated. At this point she proved herself more intelligent than Mr. Miri and dropped her weapon. She is now soundly beating the shit out of Mr. Miri with her fists.

I believe he is about to attempt to use me as a weapon again.

Excuse me.

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